Timber export

R GRUPA does timber product export all over the world. We use sea and land freight.


Main categories of the export production:

  • Wood chips (Green Energy)
    • Firewood chips
    • Logging residues, twigs and other illiquid woodchips
    • Wood biomass, consisting of various shredded wood residues, such as bark, sawdust, twigs, sawmill residues
    • Cellulose chips
  • Round wood
    • Saw logs and veneer logs
    • Pulpwood
    • Firewood and firewood
Transport and logistics

We can supply the following transportation services:

  • Log transport services

R GRUPA vehicles are suitable for removing timber from stacks located on roads with limited pavement and very difficult access.

  • Wood chip transport services

Our specialised cargo semi-trailers and container trucks are suitable for unloading cargo in specific locations.

At the same time we transfer more than 2000 loose m3 of chips.

  • Chipper services

We perform chipping works with the latest generation of modern mobile chippers.

The total production capacity of chippers is 1500 loose m3 per hour.

We provide chipping for branches, sawdust and firewood.

Wood chips (Green Energy) production

Low-value wood or various waste, residues and discarded wood generated in the production process are processed into wood fuel - firewood and wood chips

We can carry out work in all of Latvia, using the latest generation of mobile chippers.

We use specialised semi-trailers and container-type transport units for heavier conditions to transport wood chips.

We clean overgrown areas from shrubs and trees, as well as process them into energy wood chips (branches, felling residues, remote areas).

The company has ISO, PEFC, FSC, SBP and SURE certificates (for more information check "CERTIFICATES")!

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The logging department performs the following works:

  • Preparation of felling area for logging works;
  • Undergrowth cleaning;
  • Development of main felling areas;
  • Development of stockpile felling sites;
  • Mechanized harvesting;
  • Loading and unloading of timber, including branches.

The company has ISO, PEFC, FSC, SBP and SURE certificates (for more information check "CERTIFICATES")!

Logging works are performed when the contract has been concluded with all the technical details.
